Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Growth Conflict
Heart Sandtrap

Monday, January 12, 2009

A reciprocated reply would make a world of difference, but this unrequited love has sapped the light out of you, now everything doesn’t matter anymore. Taking its toll on you, as every misleading beacon in the midsts of this mist sends a happy spree of hope like a surge of dope into your veins, and the withdrawal seems to kill a little bit of you every time.
This happiness is a drug and in its depression is the only comfort it can offer. How much before you break? How many breaks before you can muster the strength and declare that you had enough? or How long more can you wait before you tell that person how you really feel? For love that is one way, it is to love, but to love in vain… Get the rejection out of the way and move on with life, wallow in this misery and taste the bitterness of loneliness. But what if the love is requited? I guess you’ll never know till you try, so wear your heart on your sleeve before it is too late, realize the fear that your throbbing heart may eventually cool and be shielded by a wall of ice built by an architect of pain. And it will take a tremendous amount of amourous heat to melt that coldness away, if ever you are to love again.
When you suspect that you are being cheated on by your girlfriend it is one of the worst feelings in the world. The thought that someone you love and trusted could be cheating on you can cause you to feel any number of emotions including anger, pain, sorrow, a sense of betrayal, distrust, and many other painful emotions. Even if you ask your girlfriend outright if she is cheating on you odds are she would lie about it anyway, so it can be frustrating stuck in limbo not knowing one way or the other. When people cheat there are some common signs that most of them show which can help you to decide whether or not they are being faithful. To help you analyze your situation here are 7 signs of a cheating girlfriend.
1. She is Spending More Time Away from Home than Usual
One of the most common signs of a cheating girlfriend is that she may start spending more time away from home. It could be that she suddenly keeps getting called into work at odd hours, working late or that she often has to be away on business. Or, she may tell you about some really great new friends that she has made but that you have never met and keep going off to meet up with them without inviting you. Anytime that your girlfriend starts spending significant amounts of time away from home and coming or going at odd hours compared to her usual schedule it can be a sign that she is cheating.
2. She is Spending a lot of Money with Nothing to Show for it.
Most of the time cheating takes money since people who cheat often meet up at places like restaurants or hotels. If you notice that your girlfriend seems to be broke all the time but hasn’t bought anything new and hasn’t had a change in her income level it could be a sign of cheating.
3. She Starts Paying More Attention to Her Appearance
If your girlfriend suddenly starts taking more time with her hair and makeup and dressing up without a special occasion she could be trying to impress whomever she is cheating with. Pay special attention to her underwear selection since most girls like to wear sexy underwear when they are with someone new. If she wears granny panties when she is around you but puts on a lace thong to head to work it could be a sign that she is seeing someone else.
4. She Registers a New Email Address
Because email can be sent discreetly it is one of the most common ways for people who are cheating to stay in touch. Unlike talking on a phone where you could overhear her, she can send an email to another guy from a new email address and you would be none the wiser. Pay attention for her using a new email address, changing her password on her email or suddenly closing the window on her computer when you walk into the room.
5. She Deletes Her Text Messages Right Away
Text messages and cell phones are another common way for people to stay in touch with whomever they are cheating with. A sign that your girlfriend may be cheating is if she suddenly starts deleting her text messages and deleting the call log from her cell phone frequently…usually right after a text message comes in.
6. She Loses Interest in Activities and Interests You Used to Enjoy Together
If your girlfriend is cheating it may start to seem like she has lost all interest in you and in doing activities that you used to enjoy together. She may start canceling your usual movie night or not listening to you when you talk to her. She may not want to hear about your day or pay attention even if you have something important to say to her. It may seem like although she is there with you her brain is somewhere else.
7. Your Mutual Friends Start Acting Weird
You may notice one or two of your mutual friends start acting strangely when they are around you. Sometimes your friends will know that she is cheating and it can make for an uncomfortable situation for them. On one hand they are friends with her and don’t want to betray her secret, but on the other hand they are friends with you and don’t want to see you get hurt. You may even find that someone that used to be a great friend starts avoiding you completely because they don’t want to get involved.
8. Obvious Physical Signs of a Cheating Girlfriend
There are the usual obvious physical signs of a cheating girlfriend that you should watch out for like coming home smelling like cologne, coming home with damp hair or with hair that smells like a different shampoo, or coming home with her blouse buttoned crooked…or even on inside out.
9. She Goes to the Bathroom Right When She Gets Home
If your girlfriend rushes into the bathroom the minute she gets home it could be because she is trying to clean up after cheating and remove any traces from her body. Listen for sounds of running water and be especially aware if she starts to shower right when she gets home. Also keep an eye on her laundry habits. If she suddenly starts washing her clothing every single day it could be because she is trying to hide stains or smells from you that could give away her secret.
Are you happy?
for all the things the you’ve done
with all the times you made fun
have it ever crossed in your mind
that maybe your just blind
with all the things that made you laugh
and all the times doing crazy stuff
give time to sit and think a lot
are you happy, or your not?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
what are you goin’ to do with it without any trust?
Letting hearts to be broken in just a flash.
Shed to tears as you fall out in a crash.
NOt on you and would you let this past?
Free those ideas as you make a hush
Just have faith not to make any fuss.
Some issues doesnt need to be discuss
What will it do to the future if its a thing in the past?
Your just giving the relationship to end in a dash.
by: Pearly
Saturday, January 10, 2009
mind that needs to be taught
intellectual knowledge are out of senses
have it blame to the fault of economic crisis.
pick those tools instead of toys being thrown
better keep young body movin’ to earn cash
stomach’s empty space fill up by a squash.
keep away those books and lets count the money
parents are there but not to save the day
let “the god’s will done” silently uttered as they pray.
carrying those load of boxes instead of books in a bag
neatly ironed uniformed traded for a clothing rag.
they go to work for another round
how can you consider them the youth of the nation
no read,no write that lacks from right education.
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Loneliness… the feeling that made you want to be with someone to begin with. But now, after so long being with him/her, you feel even more alone. Alone because the one who is supposed to understand you, doesn’t, Solitude because what you like and what you want doesn’t seem to matter to him/her, and Cold because the heat and warmth that was once there has been replaced by anger and resentment. Alone and afraid to let go, hope feels like a song you haven’t heard in a long time, and when that tune plays in your mind, you wander to somewhere long ago. Long ago where once you might have been happy?
Then, out of nowhere, temptation comes along in the form of a fresh and juicy fruit. The temptation is perfect in every way, glistening and reflective, warm and happy to the touch. This is truly a heavenly bliss where nothing can go wrong… at least it would appear so to you. The apples in the supermarkets always look perfect and fresh because they are waxed on the outside to preserve its looks on the outside. However, you will find that after the first bite, and enough time passed, it will lose its luster and and its flesh will turn from a glistening white to a dullish brown. So… then what do you do? If each boat we jump is from one slow cooker to another, whats the point? The point is if you have gone thru this once, twice, too many times… then you are the problem. You are not happy with yourself and that is why you pretend to be someone you are not, someone to make him/her happy, someone to do what is necessary to be accepted… wanted. Then that someone you pretended to be becomes a prison to who you are, so you run away to the next temptation after another, but only to find you are merely breaking our of your cell, but not your prison. and your prison is you.